In spring 2021 there was media art for everyone in the city center of Bremen. Advertising video spaces in central squares turned into an open-air gallery. Despite of Corona, there was a week of video art from all around the world.
Hochkanrfilmfest says THANK YOU:
...all applicants (beyond the festival programme, countless really good works were submitted),
...the great jury consisting of: Eva Fischer - Hausdorf, Ilona Rieke, Anne Thurmann- Jajes and Olivier Arcioli,
...Walldecaux for being so accommodating with regard to the rate and number of motifs,
...the Künstlerhaus Bremen for providing a fantastic workspace,
...the surprise surprise team for the development and elaboration of a pandemic-compliant exhibition bracket for the Künstlerhaus Bremen,
...Sara Förster for the photo documentation,
...Andreas Bovenschulte for the stable cultural policy during the Corona crisis,
...Werner Wick for his good advice,
...Renate Heitmann for her boundless enthusiasm for culture,
...Torsten Fink for his exemplary patience with poorly completed Excel spreadsheets,
...the Filmfest team for their great cooperation,
...the 3B Screen Printing Collective,
...the Goodyeah Collective for the outstanding music,...the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, NEU START KULTUR, the BBK, the Bremen wird neu Aktionsprogramm Innenstadt and the Senator for Culture for giving us money.
Rolf Bremer, Dark Summer Pt.1, Germany 2020
"I originally come from painting, but over the years I have slipped more and more into digital, mostly moving images. The intersection of the different works is the illusion or disillusion, the little hook, the irritation, the moment that changes the perspective."
Mona Charaf Eddine, Forever, Deutschland 2020
„As a young woman, I understand the Pop culture inside out, and that always helped me create unique and original impressions. Am German-Lebanese, hence one of my current topics is all about Identity and belonging.
I work on telling stories from people with different ages, religions, genders, ethnic groups and places; people who I can identify with. I visualize the youth am surrounded with, taking into account and closely observing , trying to comprehend and fathom their dreams, hopes, direction, regrets and fears.“
Mathías Chumino, C03RA - BR3M3N, Uruguay 2021
"In this work I created a virtual trip into the particle world where the viewer can travel through data, light, satellite networks and code, an aesthetic of the invisible world that surrounds us. It ́s the human interpretation of a quantum computer travelling in an electrical pulse through the different universes and metaverses that conform the digital existent.
Every man's world picture is and always remains a construct of his mind and cannot be proved to have any other existence.Erwin Schrodinger"
Harald Falkenhagen, Stimmungsaufheller, Deutschland 2021
"Conceptual artist"
Lennart Hespenheide, Die Angst und die Liebe, Deutschland 2018
"In my artistic work, originally coming from music and drama, I devote myself entirely to the linguistic, the non-verbal and the generally dialogical play of communication. For years, I have been fascinated by dealing with pathos, the synthesis of feelings."
Achim Kirsch, sie tanzen, Deutschland, 2020
"Excerpt from the performative multimedia installation" sie tanzen ", animation, watercolors, ink and digital painting.
A joint project with Stina Kurzhöfer. 12 animated characters dance through a room. They are projected by projectors, which in turn are moved. On rotary motors, on the back of vacuum cleaner robots or alternately positioned on mobile bases, they stage a never-repeating choreography. "
Jule Körperich, german quality, Deutschland 2021
"In the pandemic everything sucks, but the well-prepared German fortunately has stashed enough toilet paper for the next 1000 sessions and can sit out the misery. Does it make him happier?"
Camila Mejía, La Línea, Germany 2020
"Short stop motion animation. Made with tape over a light table. My goal was to make a simple line look alive."
Ronja Stegmann, Luca Pühl, FLEISCH, Deutschland 2021
"Bodies between individual, norm and commodity
Larger-than-life, transparently veiled bodies, limited in their freedom of movement by the
limited in their freedom of movement
Poses suggesting a sense of security and exposed captivity create a field of tension that irritates through the combination of supposed contrasts.
Intimacy / Publicity
Light / Shadow
Visibility / Invisibility
Dissociation / Reference
Difference / Transparency
Association / Dissociation
This is a joint work by Luca Pühl and Ronja Stegmann."
Pola Rader, Ideenbad, Deutschland, 2021
"Take a tingling bath of ideas and let dreams and thoughts splash around. Your own imagination is limitless if you don't turn off the tap."
Johanna Rafalski, Niemand sucht sich aus, wo er/sie geboren wird, Germany 2021
"With my work "Nobody chooses where he/she is born", I would like to initiate a reflection on the concept of citizenship and the privileges and/or disadvantages it entails within an existing system."
Ali Razzak, Lucky Stars, UK 2021
"Awaiting public transport that hosts a LED Sign glowing "HOME" often incites meditative states where residual memories are explored. Circling the minds of many are thoughts wrought by hardships brought on by COVID-19. This pandemic has brought unforeseen challenges and obstacles for all, making it easy to reminisce on misfortune. Many discussions were had with friends and family where we grieved about our dashed futures. With post-pandemic society on the horizon, I wanted my 10 second animation to endow festivity; celebrating overcoming the pandemic and growing from the experience. Like the torches which beacon public transport, which can conjure tranquility for those yearning to be home, I hope my animation can cast excitement and hope into an unknown future."
Ana Romao, Diving, Germany 2020
"Abstract moving texture."
Kinnari Saraiya , Parliament's Square, UK, 2021
"Born in Bombay, India, my work addresses contemporary discourses of the imperial past from a post-colonial standpoint. My grandfather has seen the final days of the British Raj to the early days of Indian independence and the post-colonial effects of it today. My art practice, inspired by the stories engrained in my being, narrates the silences in history. I explore the absence of presence through sculpture, mixed media drawings and digital gif animations. I give voice to the architectural landscape that is regarded as a silent witness of the British Raj and transform it through contemporary techniques like laser-cutting and moulding. Further decolonising materiality in contemporary art, I hero chilli powder in my work to reflect domesticity and a sense of home through a spice that is vibrantly red and hot, symbolising violence. These, coming together as a cautionary tale, contemplates the duality of creation and destruction, past and present. While the voice is faded and neglected in their existence in the landscape, my responses allow space for reflection and speculation."
Annemarie Strümpfler, Hochkant0hin und wieder dreht der wind, Deutschland, 2021
"The little video sequence is meant like this: my search for words for the current events and the trust, the hope that the wind will change again. An attempt.
My working method is painting, drawing, graphics and, since 2015, often mixed media for space-related projects."
Allison Tanenhaus, Regenbogenherz, USA, 2021
"Allison Tanenhaus (she/her) is a New York–born, Boston–based digital glitch artist. She specializes in bold geometrics, kaleidoscopic color fields, trippy op art, thought-provoking truisms, and unexpected dimensional qualities.
Her primary formats include retrofuturistic GIFs, loops, and music videos; abstract public art; street art cat stickers; and large-scale video projections.
Source material consists of Allison’s original images (cellphone pics, satirical typography, salvaged works in progress) and collected artifacts that she alters via smartphone. Made with equal parts deliberation and experimentation, the results are rainbow-hued compositions that take on a psychedelic life of their own.
At a time when platforms pervasively cull personal data, she views creatively reclaiming files and devices as a radical act of autonomy, mindfulness, and personal ownership. Also looks way cool.
Notable installations and commissions include the ICA Store at the Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston; New England Synth Fest; Harvard Graduate School of Design; Boston Convention & Exhibition Center; and “GlitchKraft: Allison Tanenhaus + Friends” at Emerson Contemporary.
Allison is a 2019 recipient of a Somerville Visual Art Fellowship; frequently creates music videos for electronic musicians The Square Root of Negative Two, Maria Finkelmeier, and Doug Bielmeier; collaborates with musician and glitch artist Sam Correa; pairs with pop-culture portraitist Alex Kittle; and teams up with light artist Ben K. Foley as the optical installation duo bent/haus."
Luis Toledo, under a pile of work, so silent, Deutschland 2021
"The work was originally conceived for a second-hand television shop that had to close due to the pandemic and could now be seen in the advertising displays of Bremen's city centre. In this way, my work is meant to indirectly point to the social and economic consequences and to show how society has changed in these times. The billboards have always attracted me personally, paradoxically, because they create public effectiveness but sometimes transmit questionable messages. The speed at which the animated films were created corresponds to the fleeting nature of the creative process, which means that "only" these films still exist. The films document my hours of painterly work and at the same time they show the intuitive approach in my artistic creation.
In the context of a misappropriated billboard, my work resembles the hustle and bustle and at the same time the dissolution or transformation of the inner-city working world. In doing so, my film satirises the restlessness of my own artistic creation, as well as that of the wage-earning population. The aim of this display is to irritate passers-by on the one hand, but also to make them smile and thus to pose the question of meaning to the preceding and following advertising clips. Like a mis-transmission or a question posed from a completely different context, we are working?
Consistent with commercial advertising is nevertheless the psychological effect in the depiction of the human figure and the communication in the viewing of human faces. My filmic work thus enters into a relationship with the viewer and asks what kind of image consumption we follow on a daily basis."
Kuesti Fraun, Aktion Saubere Leinwand, Deutschland 2019
"With the increasing spread of digital displays in public spaces, the question of the purpose and content of the information on display naturally arises alongside formal-technical questions. The video "Aktion Saubere Leinwand" (Clean Screen Action) wants to reflect these questions ironically by dissolving form and content pictorially and (thus) making the medium visible again."
Jean-François Guiton, Hochgehängt, Deutschland, 2018
"Two legs stand on the last rungs of a ladder at the top of the picture and hesitate to go higher, perhaps outside the picture."